Red revolutionary cradle of Northern Shaanxi Northern Shaanxi is a achievement the revolutionary epicland, in the red soil, the children with their flesh and bloodand write a glorious chapter in the history of Chinarevolution. "The May 4th Movement", Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other places in Northern Shaanxi students Li Zizhou,Huyan Zhendong namely in Suide, Qingjian and other places to set up "to" issue, promotion of new culture, new ideas. In 1923, at the Yulin School of Communist Party, Li Zizhou Wei Yechou to the students about "the Marx doctrine of" Communist Manifesto "". In 1924 May, by the northern Bureau of the CPC Li Dazhao sent back to thework of Li Zizhou as the Suide based Shaanxi provincial fourth normal school, in November, in the efforts ofCommunist Party member Li Zizhou, Wang Maoting, Tian Boyin et al, established the first in the group, in December,the socialist Youth League organization was founded in the four division. Yulin middle school, Yanan middle schoolparty organizations have been established. Northern Shaanxi become the birthplace of Northwest revolution. After the failure of the great revolution, in order to break through the white terror, the party organization launched in 1927 October led the famous Qingjian uprising, fired the first shot in northwest area of armed revolution. In 1928 April, the Communist Party of China in the firstCongress in Suide Nanfeng Village (now of Zizhou countyheld elections), established in the chinese. In theleadership of the broad masses of the people in extremely hard and bitter armed struggle, create the red political power. In 1932, established the ninth guerrilla detachment,Northern Shaanxi revolutionary struggle continues to grow and develop, create and hundreds of miles of North Shaanxi revolutionary base in the face of adversity, to form the Northwest Revolutionary Base Area, the Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army foothold. Northern Shaanxi is the starting point of the war of resistance against japan. In 1936 February, Mao Zedongreached Jia Gou Qingjian County yuan, up China workers' and peasants' Red Army anti-Japanese vanguard,published a "Declaration" crusade, in February 18th, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai in the Yuan Jia Gou launchedCrusades combat command, opened a prelude to the anti japanese. The victory. In eight years of war, the war of resistance against Japan is general rear and command center. The sons and daughters of Yulin under the leadership of the party, adhere to the thousands of miles of the Yellow River bridge, fought, which made a significant contribution to the overall victory. In 1946 October, in the most difficult period of war of liberation, the CPC Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee and Xi Zhongxun leading the planning aNorthwest 'influence national party Hu Jingze Departmentpatriotic armed rise in revolt -- "Hengshan uprising", to promote the process of national liberation war played an active role in. Mao Zedong and the central authority inNorthern Shaanxi, 8 counties in Yulin living in 33 villages,during the fight in this life, in Jingbian County, the CPC Central Committee "the conference" held in Jiaxian County; Liang Jia Cha, Mao Zedong deployment and command northwest battlefield has strategic turning of Mizhi shagudian battle; in Fort Shenquan, Mao Zedongwrote the people's Liberation Army "China declaration",announced the "Outline" the law of the land Chinese; inMizhi County Yang Jia Gou the famous "December conference" held, Mao Zedong made "report" presentsituation and our tasks. Created from the early party organization to therevolutionary base construction, from the war of resistance against Japan to the Central Committee of the party, Mao Zedong in Northern Shaanxi, China revolution has left a glorious footprints in this land of red. Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai, Ren Bishi, Zhang Wentian, Peng Dehuai, Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, Gao Gang, Xi Zhongxun, Wang Zhen and other revolutionaries was active in Yulin's vast land;Yang Mingxuan, Du Bincheng, Li Zizhou, Wang Maoting,Bai Mingshan, Liu Lantao, Ma Wenrui, Ma Mingfang,Zhang Dazhi, Cui Tianmin, Yan, Zhang Xiushan, Wang Zhaoxiang, according to He Jinnian all-powerful. The revolutionary deeds, more Yulin revolution history add a magical color. The new democratic revolution period, the hero of Yulinpeople for the motherland the liberation of the peopleadvance wave upon wave, willing to sacrifice life, there have been nearly 20000 martyrs who gave their lives,made enormous contribution, revolution so in Northern Shaanxi earth historical events, revolutionary historical figures, and throughout the entire territory of revolutionaryhistorical sites, it will become the Yulin people'sindispensable spiritual wealth be enthusiastic and press on, encouraging people to walk, Fuxing Road, realize thedream of China.
红色榆林 辉煌历史 革命的摇篮
神奇的榆林,辉煌的历史; 回顾过去,多么骄傲而自豪! 翻开历史,拉开序幕; 你看看!你瞧瞧! 李自城、张献忠陕人的光荣; 杜斌丞、李子洲、高岗、张秀山、贾拓夫、马文瑞、张达志、张徳生、崔田民、阎揆要、王兆相、等一代豪杰层岀不穷; 刘志丹、谢子长、等从这里走岀; 榆中、绥德四师革命的策源地。
南有八•一南昌起义; 北有清涧起义; 南有瑞金; 北有照金。
南丰寨、红石硖,西北革命号角一声响! 白色、灰色、红色,扩大红军武装。
刘志丹带领队伍上横山, 曲曲战歌响云宵。 创建西北根据地, 优秀儿女谱新章。
中央红军落脚第一站, 《沁园春•雪》诗篇在这里挥毫展现, 进延安,离延安, 习仲勋运筹橫山起义震憾西北。
毛泽东转战陕北在这里居住36个村庄渡过黄河, 革命胜利的曙光从这里闪亮, “东方红” 歌声从这里唱响! 天安门城楼上红旗迎风飘扬!