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Diagnosing and Countermeasures on Protection and Exploitation
of Revolutionary Tour Resources in North-east of Jiangxi
Lu Li-gang, Lu Jing
(School of Academy and Social Science, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang330013, China)
Abstracts: There are three difficulties in the process of protecting and exploit revolutionary tour resources in north-east of Jiangxi province, which are protecting revolutionary cultural objects, facing the challenging of revolutionary in Jiangxi province and even in the nation, the lack of depth in digging revolutionary culture and lack of fames of revolutionary tour products. As a result, we should increase the publicizing work in cultural objects’ protection, deal with the relationships between the protection and exploitation of revolutionary tour resources, break the exclusive model depending on the government, exploit the channels of raising money in revolutionary cultural objects protection, build up the brand of revolutionary tour elaborately in Jiangxi province, improve tour visualize, pay attention to the conformity of red、green and old-aged tourism, broaden the dissemination and extending of revolutionary tour and then improve the visualizing of revolutionary tour in Jiangxi province.
Key words: North-east in Jiangxi province; Revolutionary tour resources; Diagnosing; Countermeasures